Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why do people go for blogging

There will be hardly a person who use the Internet but haven't heard about ‘blog’. Blogs are very popular now a days and its popularity is increasing day by day. Blogs have become a great attraction to the people all over the world. There is a vast number of readers of blogs and the number of bloggers is also increasing daily.

But why do people go for blogging?

Actually it depends on the interest of the person who set up his blog. Below are some of the reasons for starting a blog:

  • There are people who would make blogs only to spend time only. Blogging is something they like to do.

  • Writing is something for a number of people and they want to show there article to others (after all what is the value of an article if there is no any reader for it?). Blog is a very good platform for getting readers. So they start their blog(s).

  • Lot of peoples set up their blog(s) as they are in making money from their blogs using PPC ads like adsense or affiliate programs.

  • Some people like to tell the stories from personal experience and events from friends and relatives’ lives. That’s why they start blogging.

  • There are people who feel themselves unable to write but start their blog just to tell about themselves to others. They use the content available from various free resources and even expend money to buy articles.

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